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Instructions for Authors

Kant Çalışmaları Writing Instructions


1.  Kant Çalışmaları accepts manuscripts in three languages: Turkish, English and German. 

2.  The word count of the manuscripts must be between 6000-10000. 

3.  If the manuscript is in Turkish, the authors are expected to provide the title, expanded abstract and keywords in English as well. If the manuscript is in English, the authors are expected to provide an expanded abstract in Turkish. If the manuscript is in German, the authors are expected to provide an extended abstract in English. 

4.  Short abstracts should have a word count between 200-250. 

5.  Expanded abstracts should have a word count between 500-750.

6.  The authors should provide 5 keywords for their articles. 

7.  The body of the text should be written in Times New Roman, size 12 and footnotes must have the same font, size 10. 

8.  Turkish and English titles, as well as References should be written in bold, size 14. Sub-headings, abstracts, keywords must be written in bold, size 12. 

9.  Quotes which are longer than one sentence must be given in an indented and single-spaced paragraph (1 cm from the right and left) written in size 11 without quotation marks. Quotes that are placed within the text must be in quotation marks. 

10.  The body of the text should have a line spacing of 1.5, while the footnotes must have single line spacing. 

11. The footnotes must be indented 2.5 cm from the left and the right.

13. Tables and figures must be individually captioned, and a list of figures and captions should be provided,named and have references written in a footnote. 

14. Main titles and subheadings must follow 1, 1.1, 2, 2.1, except introduction, conclusion, and references sections. 

15. For footnotes, please refer to Chicago Manual of Style 16th Aedition. For more information please visit:

Chicago uses italics for titles of books, journals, and other works (such as works of art).

16. When mentioning another article or book, orwhile writing a term which is not in the same language as the main text, authors are expected to use italics.

17. Examples for footnotes:


The first reference to a book: Bülent Gözkân. Kant’ın Åžemsiyesi, Ä°stanbul: YKY, 2018, 53.

Other instances: Gözkân, Kant’ınÅžemsiyesi, 53.


The first reference to a translated book: Allen. Wood. Kant, tr. Aliye Kovanlıkaya, İstanbul: Alfa, 2019, 67.

Other instances: Wood, Kant, 67.



The first reference to a book chapter: Henry Allison, ‘Kant on the Freedom of the Will’, The Cambridge Companion to Kant and Modern Philosophy, ed. Paul Guyer, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006, 384.

Other instances: Allison, ‘Kant on the Freedom of the Will’, 384.


The first reference to a journal article: Wicks, Robert. ‘Kant on Fine Art: Artistic Sublimity Shaped by Beauty’, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 53, No: 2, (1995): 190.

Other instances:Wicks, ‘Kant on Fine Art: Artistic Sublimity Shaped by Beauty’, 190.


Online links:  Accessed (21.03.2021, 23:22)



18.  Examples for the References section: 



·     Gözkân, Bülent. Kant’ın Åžemsiyesi, Ä°stanbul: YKY, 2018.


Translated book:

·     Wood, Allen. Kant, tr. Aliye Kovanlıkaya, Ä°stanbul: Alfa, 2019.


Book Chapter:

·     Allison, Henry. ‘Kant on the Freedom of the Will’, The Cambridge Companion to Kant and Modern Philosophy, ed. Paul Guyer, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006, 381-416.


Journal Article

·     Wicks, Robert. ‘Kant on Fine Art: Artistic Sublimity Shaped by Beauty’, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol.53, No:2, (1995): 189-193.


Online Link

· Accessed (21.03.2021, 23:22)

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