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General Publication Principles and Referee Evaluation Process

General Publication Principles: 


Articles to be included in the journal must comply with the publication principles stated as follows:


1. " Kant Çalışmaları" is an academic national / international blind-reviewed journal. The journal is published twice a year. It is published in Fall and Spring semesters. During these periods, shifts may occur depending on the journal's publishing system. The journal cannot be held responsible for this shift. Moreover, based on the decision of the editor-in-chief and the editorial board, the journal may publish special issues.


2. " Kant Çalışmaları" is a national / international blind-reviewed journal that publishes original academic articles in Kant’s philosophy.


3. The journal accepts submissions in Turkish, English and German.


4. The submitted work should not have been published elsewhere or sent to another journal for publication. Submissions that do not comply with this condition will not be published.


5. Submissions that were previously presented in scientific meetings such as symposiums and congresses should indicate the information regarding when and where the submission is presented with a footnote attached to the title of the article. Similarly, submissions derived from theses, should be indicated in the footnote attached to the title of the article.


In the articles produced from theses, a maximum similarity of 30% is acceptable. The author should indicate in the footnote that the article was produced from a thesis. If the similarity rate exceeds 30%, the article will be sent back to the author with the similarity report. After the corrections, the author may resubmit the revised article by the deadline announced in the call for papers.


6. Authors are responsible for the content of the submissions sent to the journal. Hence, authors are the sole party of legal, economic and ethical responsibility regarding the submission. The journal does not accept any liability.


7. The copyright of the academic articles published in the journal belongs to the journal. The translators are responsible for obtaining the copyright of the translations. Before being sent to the referees, book reviews and translations need to be approved by the editorial board.


8. Information about the name or identity of the author should not be included in the submitted articles.


9. Two submissions from the same author cannot be published in the same issue of the journal. In addition, the submissions of the same author cannot be published in two consecutive issues of the journal.


10. During the review process, the journal contacts the responsible author only. The journal does not communicate with nor provide any information regarding the publication process to people other than the responsible author.


11. During the review process, identities of both the referees and the authors are kept confidential.


12. Processing and publication are free of charge with the journal. There is no article processing charges or submission fees for any submitted or accepted articles.


Referee Review Process


1. It is an absolute requirement that all manuscripts to be published in the journal must be on Kant’s philosophy.


2. The referee review process proceeds under the control of the co-editors and the editorial board. Any manuscript that is not approved or accepted by the co-editors and the editorial board cannot enter the review process. In this respect, the author or authors cannot impose any liability on the journal and other bodies.


3. Each manuscript uploaded to the journal system is initially reviewed by the editorial board as to its compliance with the formatting and publication principles. As a result of this review, in case there are revisions to be made by the author, the manuscript is returned to the author by the co-editor(s) with a request for revision. The referee review process begins after the revisions are made.


4. Manuscripts that are deemed suitable for review with respect to the formatting and publication principles are sent to referees. Once approved by the Editorial Board, all manuscripts are sent to at least two referees for review. Referees are selected among scholars who have expertise in the respective area of the manuscript.


5. A manuscript qualifies for publication if it receives two positive referee reports from area review. If it receives one positive and one negative referee report, the manuscript is sent to a third referee. The decision as to whether the manuscript is to be published or not is made on the basis of the report provided by the third referee.


6. After it is approved that a manuscript qualifies for publication, the author/authors is/are asked to make revisions only once. In case the requested revisions are not made in both revisions, the manuscript is not published, and it is rejected by the system.


7. Revisions fall into two groups; minor revisions can be demanded, or major revisions might be suggested. The author is required to make the revisions requested and state the revisions she/he made in a separate file; if she/he does not make the requested revisions, she/he must justify her/his decision not to do so.


8. “Referee evaluation notification report” concerning publication review is sent to the author in charge.


9. Referees must review the manuscripts sent to them within three weeks.


10. A referee may want to see a manuscript for which she/he demanded revision once more before it is published. If this request is included in the report, the revised version of the manuscript is sent to the referee.


11. Journal co-editors monitor the revisions requested by the referees scrupulously and ensure that they are observed.


12. Referees must clearly state their opinion as to whether the manuscript should be published or not in their reports.


13. If necessary, the evaluation provided by a referee can be sent to the other referees provided that this is approved by the Editorial Board.


14. Based on the suggestions made by the referees, the Editorial Board proceeds in one of the following ways:


-It can publish the manuscript.

-It can accept the manuscript that was revised and improved for publication.

-It can request the author/authors to revise her/their manuscript in accordance with the evaluations provided by the referee(s) and initiate a new process.

-It can reject the manuscript.

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