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Instructions for Referees

- Manuscripts accepted for review by the Editorial Board of the journal Kant Çalışmaları are subjected to a double-blind peer-reviewing process. Once a manuscript is accepted for evaluation, the Editorial Board contacts referees (via email) whose area of research corresponds to or is directly related with the content of the manuscript submitted.


- The referees are presented with the title and the abstract of the manuscript and asked whether they accept to serve as reviewers. Referees are expected to provide the editorial team with an answer regarding their decision (i.e., whether they accept to review a paper or not) within 7 days.


- Referees who accept to evaluate a manuscript thereby accept the ethical codes and publishing principles of Kant Çalışmaları. Referees receive an anonymous version of the manuscript and an evaluation form that they are required to fill in.


- Referees are to submit their final decision regarding the article and complete the reviewing process within 21 days upon their acceptance of the manuscript. Should their workload exceed what is considered fair and reasonable, referees can request additional time for evaluation.


- Upon completing their evaluation, the referees send the evaluation form (signed and scanned) and an additional file containing their suggestions (if available) to


- In order to help authors, improve their manuscripts, referees are expected to fill out the evaluation form in a detailed manner and provide justifications.


- After completing and sending the evaluation form and thereby submitting their final decision regarding the manuscript, the part of the reviewing process which concerns referees is brought to a completion and they are consequently provided withan official document stating the nature of their contribution to the journal.


- If the referees ask for a revision and specifically indicate that they would like to see the revised version of the manuscript, then the revised version is sent to the referees again. The referees then state their final decision regarding the article sending the evaluation form (once again) to the journal, and with this final act their task is complete.

Türkiye Kant Topluluğu

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